

Interval training helps to sharpen the ear and improves a singer’s ability to sing from the printed page as well as singing from the root up the chromatic scale as we frequently do during warm-ups.Here are portions of many well-known songs and which correspond to a particular musical interval. The boldface lyric syllables show which notes of each melody correspond to the interval.For further practice, including ear trainers, visit A Music Theory Guide, from the Paul Lindblad Choristers. (You will need download the Macromedia Flash plugin.)

Do Root Root









m2 Minor Second You must remember this (‘As Time Goes By’)
I left my heart in San Francisco
Theme from Jaws (repeating two-note pattern)
Re M2 Major Second Doe-a-deer
Happy Birth-day
m3 Minor Third Lul-la-by and good night(Brahm’s Lullaby)
A time for us (‘Love Theme From Romeo And Juliet’)
To dream the impossible dream
Mi M3 Major Third From the halls of Montezuma
Have your-self a merry little Christmas
Well I come from Alabama (‘Oh Susanna’)
Fa P4 Perfect Fourth Here comes the bride
Day is done (‘Taps’ bugle call)
A4 Tritone
Augmented Fourth
Diminished Fifth
Ma-ri-a (from West Side Story)
So P5 Perfect Fifth Hey there, Georgy Girl
Rain-drops on roses (‘My Favorite Things’, Sound of Music)
m6 Minor Sixth ‘Cast Your Fate To The Wind,’ first two notes (Black Orpheus theme)
For Papa, make him a scholar (from ‘Matchmaker’ in Fiddler On The Roof)
La M6 Major Sixth My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Dash-ing through the snow (‘Jingle Bells’);
N-B-C (network chime)
m7 Minor Seventh There’s a place for us (from ‘Somewhere’ in West Side Story)
Theme from original Star Trek (first two notes)
Ti M7 Major Seventh Ba-li Hai will find you (from South Pacific; first and third notes)
Do Octave Octave Some-where over the rainbow










m2 Minor Second Shall we dance (from The King and I)
Joy to the World
I know a dark secluded place (‘Hernando’s Hideaway’)
Ti M2 Major Second Ma-ry had a little lamb
Three Blind Mice
Whis-tle while you work
m3 Minor Third Look at me (‘Misty’)
Toot-Toot Tootsie, good-bye
Oh-o say you see (‘Star Spangled Banner’)
La M3 Major Third Swing low, sweet chariot
Good night, ladies
Summertime and the livin’ is easy.
So P4 Perfect Fourth Born free
I’ve Been Workin’ On the railroad
A4 Tritone
Augmented Fourth
Diminished Fifth
European police siren (go see a foreign film)
Fa P5 Perfect Fifth Feel-ings, nothing more than feelings
Flint-stones, We’re the Flintstones
m6 Minor Sixth Where do I begin (‘Theme From Love Story’)
Mi M6 Major Sixth No-body knows the trouble I seen
Gonna lay down my sword and shield (‘Down By The Riverside’)
0-ver there
m7 Minor Seventh Theme from American In Paris (first two notes)
Re M7 Major Seventh The last phrase of “So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.”
Do Root Octave Wil-low weep for me